我们非常高兴地欢迎您担任 12 月 9 日至 10 日的 2021年中国 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit – 线上峰会的演讲者,该活动将通过 MeetingPlay 虚拟平台进行。
这是您的演讲者官方活动指南。请将此页面加入书签,以便参考,并在活动临近时回访此页面,因为我们可能添加更多的演讲者信息。如果您有任何问题,请发送电子邮件至 CNCF 内容团队。
We are excited to welcome you as a speaker for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2021 – Virtual taking place December 9-10 via the MeetingPlay virtual platform.
This is your official event speaker guide. Please bookmark this page for easy reference and continue to check back as the event gets closer as we will be adding additional speaker details. If you have any questions, please email the CNCF Content Team.
Please click through the tabs on this page to access information.
重要日期 + 截止日期
- 在 Sched.com 上传个人简历 + 头像的截止日期:10 月 15 日,星期五
- 演讲者注册截止日期:10 月 18 日,星期一
- 您应该已在演讲者通知电子邮件中收到了注册信息。 如果您需要我们再次向您发送此信息,请发送电子邮件至 CNCF 内容团队。
- 如果您需要我们的制作团队录制您的演讲,通知我们的截止日期为: 10 月 25 日,星期一
- 预录视频文件提交截止日期: 太平洋标准时间 11 月 8 日星期一,晚上 11:59
- 演示幻灯片上传截止日期:太平洋标准时间 11 月 26 日星期五,晚上 11:59
- 会议活动举办日期:中国标准时间(UTC+8)12 月 9 日星期四 – 12 月 10 日星期五
- 时区:中国标准时间 (UTC+8)
Important Dates + Deadlines
- Upload Bio + Headshot to Sched.com Deadline: Friday, October 15
- Speaker Registration Deadline: Monday, October 18
You should have received registration information in your speaker notification email. Please email the CNCF Content Team if you need this information sent to you again. - Deadline to notify us if you require our production team to record your talk: Monday, October 25
- Pre-Recorded Video File Submission Due Date: Monday, November 8 by 11:59 PM PST
- Presentation Slides Upload Deadline: Friday, November 26 by 11:59 PM PST
- Event Dates: Thursday, December 9 – Friday, December 10, China Standard Time (UTC+8)
- Timezone: China Standard Time (UTC+8)
您注册即表明确认自己将会演讲,并且您需要在10 月 18 日,星期一之前注册。
您应该已经收到欢迎通知邮件,该电子邮件包含注册详细信息。如果您需要我们再次向您发送此信息,请联系 CNCF 内容团队。如果您没有在10 月 18 日,星期一之前注册,发言机会可能被等候名单上的人士所取代,所以,请务必尽快注册。
作为原始 CFP 提交的一部分的任何联合演讲者或小组成员也将收到免费注册。
Your registration serves as confirmation that you will be speaking and you will need to register by Monday, October 18.
You should have received registration details in your acceptance email. If you need this information sent to you again, please contact the CNCF Content Team. If you are not registered by Monday, October 18, there is a possibility that your speaking slot will be replaced by one on our waiting list so please do so promptly.
Any co-speakers or panelists that are part of the original CFP submission will also receive complimentary registration.
日程安排,时间安排 + 演讲者资料
日程安排将于 9 月 27 日,星期一公布,并通过 Sched.com 发布在我们的网站上。
- 请注意,所有维护者和分组会议的演讲时间为 35 分钟。
- 如果您的演讲时间有冲突或发现它与另一个演讲的内容冲突;或者上传个人简历和照片时遇到问题,请与 CNCF 内容团队联系。
- 如果您想在 Sched.com 上更新您的演讲者资料(个人介绍、头像、标题),请将更新内容直接发送给 CNCF 内容团队,以便这些信息可以与虚拟平台集成。
Schedule, Timing + Speaker Profiles
The schedule will be announced on Monday, September 27 and will be posted on our website using Sched.com.
- Please note that all maintainer and breakout conference sessions are 35 minutes in duration.
- If you have a conflict with the timing of your talk or find that it conflicts with the content of another talk; or are having problems uploading your bio and photo, please contact the CNCF Content Team.
- If you would like to make updates to your speaker profile on Sched.com (biography, headshot, title), send updates directly to the CNCF Content Team so they can be integrated with the virtual platform.
所有演讲者必须在活动开始前提交演示幻灯片终稿。提供硬拷贝的目的除了方便性以外,我们发现在活动之前添加演示文稿有助于激发人们参加会议的兴趣。随附 PowerPoint 演示文稿的截止日期是 11 月 26 日,星期五。
- 通过 sched.com 或手机网站登录您的演讲者资料
- 在页面顶部,点击「管理和推广您的会议」
- 点击「添加演示文稿」
- 点击「选择文件」方框并添加 PDF 文档(注意:文档不可超过 50 MB)
我们为演讲者设计了一个PowerPoint 模板。 不一定要使用此模板,但为方便起见,我们欢迎您使用。 请注意,您的演示幻灯片应以 PDF 格式上传至 Sched.com,且必须为 16:9 格式。
请参阅 CNCF 风格指南,其中涵盖了将 Kubernetes 缩写为 K8s 而不是 K8 或 K8S 之类的内容。
Presentation Details
All speakers are required to submit their final presentation slides ahead of the event. In addition to providing a hard copy for accessibility purposes, we find that adding the presentations before the event helps to drive interest in attending the session. The deadline for your accompanying PowerPoint presentation is Friday, November 26
To upload slides:
- Log into your speaker profile through Sched.com or via the mobile site
- On the top of the page click “Manage and Promote Your Session”
- Click “Add Presentation”
- Click in the “Select a File” box and add the PDF document (note: there is a 50MB size limit)
- Click “Upload” and your slides will automatically be saved
We designed an optional PowerPoint template for our speakers. Use of this template is not required but we do welcome you to use it for your convenience. Please note that your presentation slides should be uploaded in PDF-format to Sched.com and must be formatted in 16:9.
Please see the CNCF style guide which covers things like abbreviating Kubernetes as K8s not K8 or K8S.
会议名称,徽标 + 品牌化
官方会议名称为 「2021年中国 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit – 线上峰会」。创建演示文稿时请使用全称。您可以将名称缩短为 「KubeCon + CloudNativeCon」,但您不能仅将会议称为 「KubeCon」。
官方会议徽标和其他 CNCF 图片可于 GitHub 下载:
- KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2021 – Virtual logos
- 2021年中国 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit – 线上峰会 – 虚拟会议徽标
- CNCF logos and artwork
- CNCF 徽标和图片
- CNCF Style Guide
- CNCF 风格指南
在使用 2021年中国 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit – 线上峰会的虚拟会议徽标时,请务必使用完整徽标。 不允许单独使用 KubeCon 或 CloudNativeCon 徽标。
任何商标或徽标的使用均受 https://www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage 上提供的商标政策的约束。
如果您想将 Kubernetes 徽标用于展位图、宣传品或装饰性布幔,请遵守使用指南。
认证 Kubernetes 标志只能由通过 CNCF 认证 Kubernetes 软件符合性计划认证的公司使用。 所有使用案例必须符合品牌指南。
如果您有任何关于商标徽标的问题,请发送电子邮件至 info@cncf.io。
Conference Name, Logos + Branding
The official conference name is KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2021 – Virtual. Please use the full name when creating your presentation. You may shorten the name to just KubeCon + CloudNativeCon but you may not refer to the conference as KubeCon only.
Official conference logos and other CNCF artwork are available for download on GitHub:
When using KubeCon + CloudNativeCon conference logos, please ensure to use the full logo. It is not permitted to use the KubeCon or CloudNativeCon logos separate from each other.
Use of any trademark or logo is subject to the trademark policy available at https://www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage.
If you would like to use the Kubernetes logo for booth graphics, collateral, or swag, please adhere to the usage guidelines.
The Certified Kubernetes marks may be used only by companies who are certified through CNCF’s Certified Kubernetes Software Conformance program. All usage cases must comply with the brand guidelines.
If you have any questions about trademarked logos, please email info@cncf.io.
平台 + 规范
我们将使用虚拟活动平台 MeetingPlay,该平台将允许演讲者通过预录演讲提供内容,并在会议结束时通过文本聊天加入现场问答。MeetingPlay 有多个交互区,允许与会者进出房间获取演讲者内容并建立个人联系,就像现场活动一样。
Platform + Specifications
We will be using the virtual event platform MeetingPlay that will allow speakers to deliver content by pre-recorded talk and join live for Question + Answer via text chat at the end of the session. MeetingPlay has multiple interactive areas that allow attendees to move in and out of rooms just like an in-person event, enjoy speaker content, and make personal connections.
- 建议使用的一些录制工具包括 Quicktime、Google Hangouts、Zoom、屏幕录像机或类似工具。 录制内容应显示您的幻灯片/屏幕以及您使用画中画格式进行演示的内容。
- 如果您需要预录发言方面的援助,请联系 CNCF 内容团队获取其他信息。
- 确保您有稳定的互联网接入。硬接线连接更适合录制。如果硬接线连接不可行,请在演示期间关闭可能影响您连接的设备,并确保房屋中的其他人不在设备上和/或占用带宽。
- 视频编码:h.264(必须)
- 视频文件格式:MP4(必须)
- 分辨率:1920×1080(最大)
- 帧率:29.97(最大)
- 音频比特率:3mbps 到 4mbps(最大)
- 音频编码:AAC @ 256k(最高)
- 音频文件格式:MP3(必须)
- 终端输出尺寸限制?1.5GB / 60 min(最大)
- 每 1 小时的视频文件尺寸不得超过 1.5gb。 如果收到更大的文件,我们会将其压缩到我们需要的大小规格。
- 我们的首选是将您的录制内容直接发送到 Google 文件夹中(请发电子邮件给 CNCF内容团队,以确认我们收到您的文件)。
- 如果你不能进入Google Drive,请按照此说明,使用 WeTransfer 上传你的文件提交。
- 与 CNCF 内容团队共享您的文件
- 或者让我们知道您是否有替代方法(DropBox、文件共享服务等)
您必须在太平洋标准时间 11 月 8 日星期一晚上 11:59 之前上传录制内容。 这是一个硬性的截止日期规定。如果您不能在此截止日期前完成,我们可能会取消您的会议。
有用的 Zoom 文件和操作指南
如何在 Zoom Instructional Video 中录制 – 由我们的制作团队创建,可指导您为单或多演讲者会议录制演示,并提供有关灯光、相机和音频的提示。
Pre-Recording Information
Virtual speakers will pre-record their talks, which will be played through the event platform, and will then join live for Question + Answer text chat with attendees.
- Some suggested tools to use for recording are Quicktime, Google Hangouts, Zoom, a screen recorder, or something similar. The recording should show your slides/screen as well as you presenting using a picture-in-picture style format.
- If you need assistance with your pre-recorded talk, please contact the CNCF Content Team for additional information.
- Ensure you have stable internet access. A hardwired connection is preferable for your recording. If a hardwired connection is not available, turn devices off that could affect your connectivity during your presentation, and make sure that anyone else in the house is not on devices and/or consuming bandwidth.
The video requirements are as follows:
- Video Codec: h.264 (MUST)
- Video File Format: MP4 (MUST)
- Resolution: 1920×1080 (MAXIMUM)
- What Frame Rate: 29.97 (MAXIMUM)
- What Bitrate settings: 3mbps to 4mbps (NO LARGER THAN)
- What audio codec: AAC @ 256k (NO HIGHER THAN)
- Audio File Format: MP3 (MUST)
- Size Limit for final output? 1.5GB per 60 min (MAXIMUM)
- Files must be no larger than 1.5gb per 1hr of video. If we receive larger files, we will compress them to the size specs we require.
We have multiple options for uploading your pre-recorded presentation:
- Our preferred option is to send your recording directly into the Google folder (please email the CNCF Content Team to confirm we received your file)
- If you cannot access Google Drive, please follow these instructions to upload your file submission using WeTransfer.
- Or let us know if you have an alternate method (DropBox, file sharing service, etc.)
Before sharing, you should save your presentation file in the following format:
Naming Format: SessionTitle_YourName_Dateofsession_version#
Example: How_to_share_video_files_JohnSmith_50621_v1.mp4
In order to mitigate technical risks, we are not allowing speakers to present their talk live.
You must upload the recording by Monday, November 8 by 11:59 PM PST. This is a hard deadline. If you cannot meet this deadline we may have to cancel your session.
Helpful Zoom Documents and How-to’s
- Enabling HD Video – This is disabled by default, so you will need to enable it before recording.
- Recording Side-by-Side for sessions with more than one speaker
How to Record in Zoom Instructional Video – Created by our production team to guide you through recording your presentation for either single or multiple speaker sessions, as well as providing tips on lighting, cameras, and audio.
Virtual Speaker Live Question + Answer
Please review our training video here to see how to log in to the platform and participate in live Question + Answer.
演示没有着装要求,我们鼓励您以舒适为主。也就是说,您必须意识到行为准则适用于此空间,无论是您在镜头前展示的内容还是您所说的内容。我们要求您在选择服装和环境时要有品位并考虑周全。请记住,我们是一个全球社区。 请不要穿着带有不属于您自己的全球品牌标志的衬衫。 纯色(非白色)也比印花效果好。
- 学习内容:熟悉内容可以让演讲者专注于演讲,而不是试图记住要表达的观点。为了尽量减少忘记演示元素的担忧,请在演示文档中包含注释,并打印出您的脚本或发言要点。
- 熟能生巧:演讲者应该在他们将要发言的环境中练习内容交付,例如在电脑前。 一开始单独对着电脑可能会很尴尬。 为了让演讲者更自在,请让同事、室友或家人坐在前面,以便他们可以对着熟悉的面孔说话。
- 了解工具:演讲者应该理解并利用为他们提供的内容选项,以最大限度地提高演示技术的有效性。 了解软件的基本功能很重要,例如,如何在演示之前推进幻灯片、管理问答或聊天。
- 大声发言:在演示之前检查音频音量,但也要确保平稳呼吸以表达清晰。在整个演示过程中保持清晰、均匀的音调将使观众无需调整音量设置即可听到发言。
- 看镜头:如果通过视频进行演讲,记住,网络摄像头是您与观众的连接。与镜头进行眼神交流,让观众觉得您是在直接对他们说话。
- 不要害怕犯错:人类会犯错,即使是在演示的时候。意识到错误的发生以及它们不会破坏您的演示 – 除非您觉得会破坏。 继续您原定的演示,并记住听众是宽容的。
- 做好准备:在演示过程中,在附近放一杯水,根据需要小口啜饮。 此外,请将幻灯片或笔记的打印件放在手边,以备不时之需。
- 网络演讲: 装备提示+提升您的远程工作室
- 19 个视频演示技巧 | 帮助您呈现精彩的演示(即使您讨厌自己在镜头前的样子)
- 呈现吸引人的虚拟演示的 9 个技巧 | 这篇文章给出了 9 个技巧,在每个技巧中都有来自科技界的人以一种有趣/相关的方式给出他们的建议。
- 虚拟演示的 PACE 缩写
- 演讲者检查清单 | 本文提供了适用于实时流媒体演讲者的检查清单。
Technical Tips for Virtual Presentations
Please take a moment to review these tips for enhancing the quality of your presentation, whether pre-recorded or live.
In order to give the attendees/viewers the best experience, we strongly encourage you to use our various tips and gear recommendations.
Dress Code
- There is no dress code for presentations, and we encourage you to be comfortable. That said, you must be aware that the Code of Conduct applies to this space, both in terms of what you show on camera and what you say. We ask that you be tasteful and considerate in choosing your clothing and surroundings. Keep in mind that we are a global community. Please refrain from wearing shirts with global brand logos that are not your own. Solid colors (not white) also work best instead of prints.
Tips to Keep Your Virtual Audience Engaged
- Learn the Content: Familiarity with the content allows a speaker to focus on presenting, rather than trying to remember the points to make. To minimize worry about forgetting elements of the presentation, include notes in your presentation file and have a printout of your script or talking points.
- Practice Makes Perfect: Speakers should practice their content delivery in the environment in which they will deliver it, such as in front of a computer. Presenting alone to a computer can be awkward at first. To make speakers more comfortable, ask colleagues, roommates, or family to sit in front so they can present to familiar faces.
- Understand the Tools: Speakers should understand and utilize the content options available to them, to maximize the effectiveness of the presentation technology. It’s important to know the basic functions of the software, e.g. how to advance slides, manage Question + Answer or chats, before the presentation.
- Speak Up: Check audio levels before presenting, but also make sure to breathe at regular intervals to speak audibly and clearly. Maintaining a clear, even tone throughout the presentation will allow the audience to hear it without adjusting their volume settings.
- Look at Your Camera: If presenting via video, remember, the webcam is your link to your audience. Make eye contact with the camera so it appears to the audience that you are speaking directly to them.
- Don’t Fear Mistakes: Humans make mistakes, even during presentations. Realize that flubs happen and they won’t derail your presentation – unless you let them. Just keep going in your planned presentation and remember that the audience is forgiving.
- Be Prepared: During the presentation, have a glass of water nearby to sip as needed. Also, keep handy a printout of your slides or notes in case you need to refer to them.
Source: https://www.inxpo.com/assets/pdfs/litepapers/How-To-Be-An-Engaging-Speaker.pdf
Additional Resources
- Web Presenting: Gear Tips + Enhancing Your Remote Studio
- 19 Video Presentation Tips | To help you give a great presentation (even if you hate the way you look on camera)
- 9 Tips for Giving Engaging Virtual Presentations | This article gives 9 tips and within each tip has folks from the tech world giving their advice in a fun/relatable way.
- PACE Acronym for Virtual Presentations
- Checklist for Speakers| This article provides checklists applicable for speakers that are live streaming.
Linux Foundation 与美国国家女性与信息技术中心 (NCWIT) 合作,设立了一项在线课程,旨在向观众传授关于包容、多样性和无意识偏见的内容。云原生计算基金会强烈建议所有演讲者观看该课程,学习演讲时使用的技巧/工具,在演讲和信息传递中鼓励包容性。
Inclusive Speaker Orientation Online Course
The Linux Foundation, in collaboration with the National Center for Women in Technology (NCWIT), has created an online course designed to teach the viewer about inclusion, diversity, and unconscious bias. It is strongly encouraged by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation that all our speakers watch the course to learn tips/tools to use when speaking to encourage inclusivity in presentations and messaging.
Code of Conduct
Please read and abide by our code of conduct, which is strictly enforced. We ask that speakers especially review and are careful to be inclusive in the words and images used during their presentation.
如果您有任何其他平台、演讲者或日程相关的问题,请联系我们的 CNCF 内容团队。
Contact Us
If you have any other platform, speaker, or schedule-related questions, please contact us the CNCF Content Team.